Creating a Productive Home Office
September 18, 20215 Ways to Make your Bedroom a Calming Oasis
November 16, 2021New mattress time? If it’s ten years old or more, the answer is a very bold, yes! It’s not just a rule of thumb – there is science and common sense behind it. The most critical thing is knowing that good sleep has optimal advantages for health and for enjoying your waking hours. You can look at the mattress and see the wear-and-tear. Think back to when that old mattress was new. If you made a good choice, those first few years were better for your sleep.
Types of Mattresses start with the good-old classical durable spring mattress. Spring mattresses are less expensive but not necessarily the best choice. Latex and memory foam mattresses both support sleep by conforming to the body. Then, there are the hybrids. A hybrid is a combination, depending on the manufacturer, of modern mattress types. What’s a waterbed? Well, it’s an old-school invention of the late 1970s that is still for sale. Waterbeds are not often recommended.
When you’re shopping and researching, there are several considerations to review. Number one is supported, especially if you have back and spine issues. Metabolism is essential because every individual is different. Some folks run hot, others cold. Then the toss-and-turners need a mattress that slightly resists body movements. Your regular sleeping position is a factor too. Lastly, if you have allergies, your choice would be a natural latex mattress.
In any case, Palmetto Furniture Company can give you all the options, and offer you more custom insights for specific needs. A certified sleep medical practice can provide valuable advice on the best mattress for your specific needs if you have serious sleep issues.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) and other researchers have studied the effects of poor sleep. In one NIH publication of sleep research, healthy volunteers with minor “musculoskeletal sleep-related pain” and some sleep difficulties were asked to compare old and new beds. Participants owned mattresses that averaged 9.5 years old. For 28 days, upon waking, the group kept logs on the quality of their sleep and then did the same with provided new mattresses. Researchers wrote, “significant improvements were found.” With the new beds, participants enjoyed “increased sleep quality” and “reduced back discomfort.”
You have heard it before, “…you spend one-third of your life sleeping.” If you are lucky. Day-to-day stress, worries, noise, and more interfere with a regular sleep cycle. Not eating big meals before bed, avoiding caffeine, low light, and a little exercise is part of a good routine. And, it always helps to create a cozy place without distractions and keep a regular sleep schedule. If your mattress is ready to go – start shopping.